No matter how loved you are.
23.5%. To others, it … We’ve put together a list of 116 deep questions that will spark fun and meaningful discussions. but what if you love someone and you know you can never be with them and your whole life is miserable because you cant stop thinking about that one person for the rest of your life. I am in the fortunate position of being able to do something I enjoy, while being paid enough to live in comfort. To change from who you are to who you … This quiz features some of the hardest, funniest, and weirdest “Would you rather” questions you have ever seen. 16.
Obviously now love works better in modern society for a leader than hatred. I would come to find that nothing feels better than embracing the powerless, … Thanks in advance. To honor your grief is not self-destructive or harmful, it is life-sustaining and life-giving, and it ultimately leads you back to love again. Respect is necessary for love, but love is not necessary for respect. You cannot be the person you truly want to be without changing your belief system, unless that is, you’re already the person you want to be, in which case what are you doing reading a life coaching blog? Your perfect life partner is the one with whom you can feel secure and comfortable rather than forcing yourself to pretend you are doing fine in front of them.
embracethelight. Machiavelli states that a leader should be both feared and loved, but that if you had to pick one, pick fear. You:— “If you could only choose one, would you rather ‘love’ or ‘be loved’?” Me:— “In such a case I, without any hesitation at all, would choose to... Most people have loved ones that they care about dearly. Would I rather be feared or loved? Answer Link. You can earn all the money in the world, but it’ll never really give you the happiness that a happy smile or a warm hug from your lover can give you. Would You Rather Be Loving Or Loved? The question – is it better to be loved or feared – is an age old question. They often choose a certain leadership style – and they must be aware that their choice will affect the culture of the entire organisation. 62. Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. You know it when your family doesn’t love you, and the impact can be soul crushing. I’d already written most of it for Heiner some months ago, but it’s extremely personal and I think most will find it rather weird. 13 votes. Respect: must be earned. ♒️ Would you have rather loved and lost - than never have loved at all? It is right to be feared than to be loved. Exactly how poor are we talking here? If you love, you will grieve, and that’s just given.” – Kay Redfield Jamison. Find out how scared she is of commitment. Discuss. Having people who love you helps you to experience the true joys of life, and it's very much worthwhile to find someone that you can share a romantic love connection with. Would You Rather Do What You Love, Or Be Paid More? Love is something … Notify me of new comments via email. The phrase, “Choose a job you love, ... Obviously, loving what you do brings in motivation, because it is activated by your own desires, rather than material gains. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me. Someone asked me, would you rather be loved or feared? There are many reasons why you might hurt someone you love. No Thanks, I would rather have never loved at all and always be happy than have a apart of me be miserable Option B: Be rich and never have to work, have what you want whenever you like, but lonely. Everyone deserves … By And through its seeming absence, I have taken the following lessons from it. or become a kid for a week and get away with anything through your cuteness. Would you rather be friend-zoned by your crush … Everyone else can hate me. It’s all depends on what type of person you are. Girl that loves you more generally wants to occupy you 24/7 to love you to death even when you are... If you were abused or neglected as a child and had no healthy role models, you may be at risk in your teen and adult years for unhealthy behaviors like substance or alcohol use disorder. Answer Link. I think that in those time it was better to be hated rather than loved. Just download and print the questions. The following is a collection of 143 fun as well as thought provoking ‘would you rather’ questions on love, dating and relationships. The questions have been split into the following categories: WYR questions on love. 500-years ago Niccolo Machiavelli – often called the founder of modern political science – said that “…whether it be better to be loved than feared or feared than loved? Michael An uncommon would you rather question is the best way to cope up with the conversational issues. I personally would rather be loved but never love back, because I hate the feeling of really liking/loving someone and you know they will never love you back. Being loved more would mean the other one would be hurt in some sense. I would rather be hated than loved if it means nobody gets hurt cause of me. Five hundred years ago, Niccolò Machiavelli famously said of leadership that "it is better to be feared than loved." I was first asked the question during an interview way back in 2001, “Do you love to win, or hate to lose?” After my meandering response, the interviewer explained that the answer he was looking for is, summarized, “True winners in sales always expect to win, and therefore hate to lose”. EDIT: oh and try to state why you have picked either one. I'd rather be loved. In 1990 I wrote a song called This is Me, and in it you can hear the lines “You may say that it’s a problem I’ve got, but I’d rather be hated for who I am than loved for who I am not”. Focus on the common ground. In an ideal world we would love and be loved in equal measure. Would you rather be with someone who is afraid to lose you or someone you are not afraid to lose? That the price for loving you would still be small. embracethelight. And the chills I …
Love and lost. 21 quizzes 1 story 52 questions 180 polls 4 pages. It sounds easy, and yet so many of us either love, have fallen in love with, or have been loved by those who aren’t loving to us in return. The incredible pace of innovation over that time allowed many Americans to continue working out of the office, see … If tonight should be our last night together I'm not sorry that we fell in love at all. That word means different things to different people. If a doctor gave you five years to live, what would you try to accomplish? Share your thoughts on this The Office's quote with the community: 0 Comments. In fact this is the central tenet of Theosophy and many other nonconventional religions/philosophies, to love others more … Maybe you offended them, said something that made them feel emotionally invalidated, or took them for granted. 62. Both. If it all came back around to you, would it help you or hurt you? There are no guarantees in life. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me. I want people to be afraid of how much they love me. To some, it might simply just mean that you’re middle class (or at worst low-income) in a developed country (with good social safety nets). To Love or Be Loved?
You can love someone deeply and have it not work out. 3 min. The best Would You Rather questions reveal surprising things about every participant, and really good Would You Rather questions make players think about what they value most, be … Would I rather be feared or loved? I choose Love ️ Love is Godly. Vote on this poll. Sometimes you realize you've hurt a loved one, but you have no idea what you did. I would rather love myself. Love: freely given. Love certainly is an interresting topic of discussion. Human beings prove over and over again that it is better to LOVE than to be loved. There are countless people who have overlooked and dismissed the love of a good person in favor of pursuing whomever they love. Saturday PUNCH sought the opinions of some Nigerians to know if they would rather prefer to marry someone they love or someone who loves them I prefer to marry someone who loves me. Answer (1 of 36): Damn, this is a tough one. 64. Never loved at all. Unfortunately, we often love someone who doesn’t love us as much and in the same way in return. It’s important to take advantage of the little moments throughout the day. If you show your employees that you hold roughly the same worldview they do, you demonstrate not only empathy but (at least in their eyes) common sense. 61. However, there are plenty of people who have to make a choice between a profession they love, and a profession that pays more. That is … Before dealing with the other claims I’ll tell you why I got to wondering if it was me for a while. It is much safer to have people fear you than love you because you do not have to know what they think about you or watch your back. Yes, money is more important than love, because money makes it easier for people to get along. 9.
1 y. Some people find loving good and some find being loved good. I already love too many people too much.. But sometimes i feel something is missing in my life and that is … I don't care about that also. If you had the chance to go back in time and change one thing would you do it?
Loved. Sounds self centered and selfish but when you think about it, it is true.
Guru. Rate this quote: (4.00 / 7 votes) 4,680 Views. These questions can also be used to develop a fun oriented game especially in the family gatherings and get-to-gathers of the colleagues as well as friends. We hope that our parents love us, we hope our friends see the good in us, and we hope we find lasting love with a partner that is sustaining and empowering. 76.5%. Post author By quotegeek; Post date March 12, 2013; No Comments on Would I rather be feared or loved? Would you rather live forever and watch your loved ones all die or live a short life and die before all of your loved ones? Last night I struggled with the idea of posting this. "I love my job" or "I love making clients happy", when spoken without sarcasm, are exceedingly professional. Leaders are usually either loved or feared. I think I’d rather love it, that’s something I can do, something actiefs.Something I carry out and gives more satisfaction. My thought was if he loved me, I had the power. Answer (1 of 9): I would rather be loved more. That is from my end, I neither want to be desired nor to be loved. As painful as it would be to go through life being hated and (probably) having no friends, I can guarantee it would be more painful to hate yourself. But nevertheless everything, give me passion, passion and desire for another. Both need to exist in a person’s life, or it would not really be love. The name of the game has become actively investing in retaining talent rather than just furnishing headcount. Love isn't something you find. Love and lost / Never loved at all. Easy, both. While it is best to be both feared and loved, in the land of politics, if you can only choose one, being feared is probably the better option. Would you rather be the first to say “I love you” or have it being said to you by the person you are with? “To mourn your loss is required if you are to befriend the love you have been granted. It may be troubling when you hurt someone you love. The world will not be able to conspire against you, and you will get absolute respect above all.
embracethelight (Alex ) published on March 26, 2016. Publish. Quora User. 61. It is not always desirable to be either loved or feared. To be loved excessively may stunt one's growth or create a stalker. To be feared excessively may band others against you, and prevent you from connecting with them. Firstly, it should be recognised that this is a valid question. If a spouse stops loving you, you can just divorce them, and you'll get half their money. However, some of the comments I received convinced me to go ahead. 65. Now we all want to be in a mutual love relationship but sometimes it happens where someone loves more than the other we all know the saying "the power lands in the hands of those who love less"so would you chose someone who loves and have the power or you are a giver and you are happy to provide love? Our parameters for choosing a mate may change as we age. I do believe that being feared has advantages when ruling a country and makes a leader more successful in the long run. Edited on Sun Dec-07-03 07:28 PM by WWW I was thinking today about this quote about my pets, and then I thought about humans who I have lost and loved, and I guess overall I am glad that I loved. It is better to be feared than loved because love is usually a chosen emotion. There are advantages … Is it more important to love or be loved? If tomorrow sun should find me hurtin' for you I know. If you are choosing to be with a person because you love them and they love you (no matter which way it … For I'd never know the thrill of your sweet lips. And ‘better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all’ is one of those proverbs which definitely have an author we can point to. In 20+ years of working on career issues, I estimate that I have encountered more leaders who lead by fear (sticks, command and control style), rather than by love (carrots, collaboration style). Bday in two days @tenthavenueny Friday the 24th. In this case, perhaps surprisingly, we only have to go back to the mid-nineteenth century to find its origins. Would you rather be someone’s first love or last love? Would You Rather Questions For Kids.
I just ask that you don’t judge me too harshly. Money and love are different things, and money provides security that is very important. Easy, both. Here are the ten ways to find love as well as be loved the way you want: Right time. WYR Questions on Love. Most people would prefer to experience loving and to be loved over just about any other qualitative experience in life. You should be able to express happiness and sadness in … If a ruler is feared, there would be a revolt in the people, sooner or later it must happen, that is how it has always happened. No good answers, but very different priorities in those answers. Would you rather be with someone you love or someone who loves you? "I'd Rather Love You". 3. You're lucky if you find someone that loves you that you can love back! Love was power. Easy. If you have a tough choice to make, always close love when it comes to choosing between love or career. A lot of the uprisings and revolutions of the past were predicated by people’s fears, yet, they still found the will and courage to act and overthrow or fight those they feared. The one thing love brings us, is hope. 63. I guess I'm just selfish in that respect. Love more. The rest should take care of itself. There are a lot of “Would you rather” questions to choose from, and you can always come up with your own! With maturity we may seek more stability and compatibility rather then physical attraction and passion. “Would you rather” questions. The Office Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes. Would You Rather Be Right, Or Be Loved? The "love" in "I would love to" has little to do with the "love" in "I love you"; the second one is expressing a personal emotion that is (arguably) unprofessional, while the first one is expressing enthusiasm for an event or an activity. Here's the thing… when you're a person who truly hates yourself, it doesn't matter what other people think.
Umm...easy, both. Damaged self-esteem may lead to food disorders or self harm.
5 Things You Learn from Not Being Loved the Way You Needed To. 63. Then, put them in a jar or attach them with a ring. The answer is neither of them for both. There's nothing worse than feeling like you're with someone who just "tolerates" you, rather than fully loves you for who you are. Would you rather have: Option A: Be in love & in a relationship with someone, but be poor, having to work all day, struggling for money etc. , … I rather Love more. There are alot of people who get no love from anybody or anything. There day goes by without anyone saying anything to them. I... in Life Coaching by Tim Brownson - September 13, 2010 - 22 comments. gender bender with the hot friends. If you are not respected, certainly you are not loved. But you can't continue to live with that. At first I thought „Clearly I want to be loved more!“ but then again what is it worth being loved if you can‘t love back? This question is really h... Discover More in Games : 82 Truth or Dare Questions With Crazy Silly Dares (or Play Over Text ) 91 Never Have I Ever Questions 127 Most Likely To Questions 190 This or That Questions Truth or Drink Questions Two Truths And A Lie. sharing the raw truth about our dating and relationship experience It is not possible to love more than you are loved, or to be loved more than you love. If they are not equal, you do not really have love on either... Charley Pride Lyrics. Advertisement At the core of this is simply a greater need for leaders to be loved. 50. I would rather be loved more. Some people find loving good and some find being loved good. I am from the second category. I already love too many p... loving someone is easy in such a way that sometimes you fall in love with the person at the first sight,so you dont know anything about him /her..but you kinda have feeling that you love that person..that is when loving is easier than to be loved.
Would I rather be feared or loved? However it is still possible in future that a woman can love me or finds me desirable or loveable or both but from my end I will neither like nor love anyone, never a woman in my lifetime. If a ruler is to be loved by his people, then there would be a more sustainable community because if you love your ruler, you must love what he does, and therefore he is doing good with the community.
Even if you don't have a romantic partner, you likely have friends or family that love you.
It can be heartbreaking experience. We’ve added blank pages so that you can write your own, too! Why is it so important to love and to be loved? As human beings, it's in our nature to love and be loved. The desire to be loved and nurtured is on...
2. 4 votes. (pdf) Though the cost of the COVID-19 pandemic has been enormous, a silver lining can be found in the fact that it arrived in the U.S. in 2020 and not thirty years earlier before internet-based services revolutionized our ability to connect with one another. One contemplated by leaders, philosophers, and mob bosses alike. Love is not pain – I refuse to believe that. I am from the second category. 21. Fear is not always a good motivator for getting people to comply, as history will yield. Love and lost, or never loved at all.
Leaders who are loved often focus on being caring and having a mutual connection to employees, rather than just being a leader. Why they would rather close the door on it and live in the shadows of pain. Re: Would you rather be the one who loves more or is loved m I was once told by someone I considered to be very smart 'it is not important who you love but rather who loves you'.
Good question. I love being in love but I think with being in love there is a constant worry of ur loved one leaving you and does leave you vulnera... ... Would you rather? I am not advocating being disingenuous; for example, I would avoid political topics where you might disagree rather than just taking their position. The reason I feel that Machiavelli concludes that it is better to be hated or to be loved as a ruler falls on the times he spoke of. We loved with a love that was more than love. Yes, there is definitely a downside.The chance that the other you don’t like him or her is real and hugely hurtful. Neither love nor respect is necessary for encouragement. Fear doesn’t get you voluntary compliance as well, rather, people complying because they’re … We all want to be loved, but we need to dish it out on at least equal terms. On 12/20/2020 at 11:36 AM, Nightclaw said: If you are not feared nor loved, you will not be respected nor will anyone encourage you. And ‘Love conquers all’ appeared in the works of the Roman poet, Virgil. Generally you are loved for who you are, and respected for what you are.
WOULD YOU RATHER turn into the opposite gender for a week and hang out with your hot opposite gender friends (turn into a guy and hang with hot guys and turn into a girl and hang with hot get it? I want people to be afraid of how much they love me. If you are only loving to the people you rule and they don’t fear you, someone ought to betray you without worry. 1. It Is Better To Be Feared Than Loved.
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