office of regional security and arms transfers

Mr. Dave Burke, Office of Department of State Bureau of Political- Military Affairs Regional Security and Arms Transfer . In December, the Obama administration suspended a large weapon sale to Saudi Arabia due to concerns about widespread civilian casualties from Saudi airstrikes in Yemen.

to-government arms sales.

navy inventory control point . The Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (RSAT) advances U.S. foreign policy and national security interests through its management of U.S. bilateral security relations with, as well as government-to-government arms transfers to, foreign countries.

Background. During the day, stakeholders shared the main findings on the private security and firearms situation in Latin America and the Caribbean. Foreign Affairs Officer, Regional Security and Arms Transfer/Third Party Transfers Team U.S. Department of State Dec 2020 - Present 9 months Share. The Bureau of Political-Military Affairs is the Department of State's principal link to the Department of Defense. The PM Bureau provides policy direction in the areas of international security, security assistance, military operations, defense strategy and plans, and defense trade. 4) True or False: Regional Security and Arms Transfers (RSAT) is a key link between the Departments of State and Defense through interactions with the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Joint Staff and the Combatant Commands. U.S. Arms Sale to Saudis Spells Legal Trouble for State Department Officials. SIPRI Yearbook 2020. and provides samples of the data and analysis that it . It is United States' (US) Department of State policy that voluntary disclosures associated with Foreign Military Sales acquired equipment and technical data in Australia should be submitted through the Commonwealth Department of Defence, rather than through direct correspondence between industry and the Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfer (RSAT) within the US Department of State. Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security; Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM) Regional Security and Security Assistance. Regional collective security arrangements; peace-keeping b. Disarmament and arms limitation agreements; Zones of Peace c. Political instruments for conflict resolution Approved For Release 2008 .

• Frequently engaged with Department of State, the Office of Regional Security & Arms Transfers (PM/RSAT), Congressional Staff & Professional Staff Members, U.S. DoD Security Cooperation Agency . security assistance training field activity tradoc . The 2013 Security Cooperation Workshop, hosted by the Office of the deputy assistant secretary of the Army for defense exports and cooperation (DASA (DE&C)), brought together people from across the Departments of State and Defense - from the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA), the military departments, the Joint Staff, the Office of . Ambassador Bonnie Jenkins has been nominated for Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security, which "leads the interagency policy process on nonproliferation and manages global U.S. security policy, principally in the areas of nonproliferation, arms control, regional security and defense relations, and arms transfers .

"Third World Security and Regional Conflict in the 1990s: South Asia," New Faces Conference, Bellagio, Italy, 16-20 July 1990, sponsored by the Arms Control Association, Washington, and the International Institute of Strategic Studies, London. About the Authors: Kurosh Ansari serves in the Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers in the U.S. Department State's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs. The Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security Affairs (T) is a position within the U.S. Department of State that serves as Senior Adviser to the President and the Secretary of State for Arms Control, Nonproliferation, and Disarmament.. State for Defense Trade and Regional Security in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs.

a. the compatibility of that export or international transfer with its international, regional or sub-regional commitments or decisions on non-proliferation, small arms and light weapons, arms control and disarmament; b. whether the export or international transfer would adversely affect regional security and stability, The President's action followed several months of internal debate and discussion by the Clinton Administration, the first detailed examination of . arms transfers as foreign policy instruments advancing the goals of exerting regional influence, strengthening alliances, and opposing communism); Richard F. Grimmett, The Arms Trade After the War, ARMS CONTROL TODAY, June 1991, at 21, 21 [herein- Office of Regional Economic Integration - How is Office of Regional Economic Integration abbreviated? PM/DDTC. [Recognize the role of the Regional Security and Arms Transfer (RSAT) office.] Fals e True Director for Afghanistan at the National Security Council, preceded by two years as Deputy Political-Military Counselor in Kabul, Afghanistan. The Defense Security Cooperation Agency then forwards this information to the State Department's Political Military Bureau, Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers, which forwards such cases to the appropriate personnel with missile technology expertise for review. These Joint FMS FAQs address questions that have been received about items that would He has also been a consultant for several NGOs (Oxfam, Saferworld, and the Small Arms Survey) and regional and international organizations, including the Council of Europe, Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe . The DOS Bureau of Political Military Affairs office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (PM/RSAT) is the lead DoS bureau for FMS matters, including transfer approvals and the notifications that must go to the U.S. Congress before a transfer can occur. 2021. The White House will likely find that putting human rights at the center of U.S. foreign policy — especially when it comes to arms sales — will be easier said than done. For instance, the Bureau of Administration's Office of Real Property Management displayed its new office lighting at a booth decorated with an architect's rendering of the Department's newest Washington, D.C., annex, being constructed just south of Main State. She works for Ambassador Kaidanow. RSAT focuses on: The Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (RSAT) advances U.S. foreign policy and national security interests through its management of bilateral/ multi-lateral political-military and regional security relations and the sale/transfer of U.S.-origin defense articles and services to foreign governments. When the 1995 policy was released, no one knew what the post-Cold War framework for export controls would look like. Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers. security council 5881st meeting (am & pm) threat posed to international peace by uncontrolled trade in small arms cannot be overemphasized, security council told as it holds day-long debate on issue

Little did my companion know that she was confirming to me what I had just read in prayer that morning from the Office of Readings which came from a teaching by Blessed Isaac of Stella, who was born around the year 1100 AD. March 15, 2017. Micheal Slack, a Foreign Affairs Officer in the Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers in the Department of State's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, specializes in arms transfer policy and process. Timothy Alan Betts. Supervises the office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (PM/RSAT) and the Office of Security Assistance (PM/SA). This booklet summarizes the contents of . He was previously a Senior Researcher with the SIPRI Arms Transfers Program and Director of the program during 2009-2013. Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (Effective 10/01/2003) 014820. Relation to military government and to the military in politics c. Relation to international arms trade, arms transfer's, and military assistance d. . 2) True or False: Regional Security and Arms Transfers (RSAT) is a key link between the Departments of State and Defense through interactions with the Office of the Secretary of Defense, Joint Staff and the Combatant Commands. Office of Regional Economic Integration listed as OREI. Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfer; Office of Regulation Policy and Management; Office of Regulation Review; Office of .

The Under Secretary leads the interagency policy process on nonproliferation and manages global U.S. security policy, principally in the areas of nonproliferation, arms control, regional security and defense relations, and arms transfers and security assistance. Foreign Military Sales: Controls Should Be

Maritime Security Team (MST) Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (RSAT) Office of Security Assistance (SA) Office of Security Negotiations and Agreements (PM/SNA) Office of State-Defense Integration (PM/SDI) Office of Weapons Removal and Abatement (PM/WRA) UNDER SECRETARY FOR CIVILIAN SECURITY, DEMOCRACY AND HUMAN RIGHTS (J) The DoS Political-Military Bureau Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (DoS (PM/RSAT)) monitors, reports, and addresses unauthorized arms transfers and diversions in accordance with the AECA, section 3 (22 U.S.C. 2753). One of the most striking things about the new policy is the emphasis on restraint for U.S. arms transfers and the promotion of restraint globally. U.S. Government Accountability Office. All arms transfer decisions will be guided by a set of criteria that maintains the appropriate balance between legitimate arms transfers to support U.S. national security and that of our allies .

Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers Kevin O'Keefe Director Assistance Trade Controls Licenses Compliance ITAR Updates End-Use Monitoring Arms Transfers (RSAT) Foreign Military Sales Third Party Transfers Excess Defense Articles 014800. This Directive supersedes Presidential Decision Directive/ NSC-34, dated February 10, 1995. advocacy from a U.S. company is consistent is consistent with U.S. foreign policy and national security objectives. What are synonyms for Office of Readings? Global Programs and Initiatives (Effective as of 04/30/2017) 014700. Micheal Slack, a Foreign Affairs Officer in the Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers in the Department of State's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, specializes in arms transfer policy and process. Arms Transfers and Regional Rivalries, 1950-1991," International Studies Quarterly 43, 1999; Cassady Craft, Weapons for Peace, Weapons for War: The Effect of Arms Transfers on War Outbreak, Involvement, and Outcomes," Routledge, 1999. While arms transfers and their effects on the conflict in Yemen have received considerable attention, a lesser known fact is that weapons are increasingly .

Carried a step further, the transfer of weapons or technologies may She managed two organizations, the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls and the Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers, providing overall policy guidance regarding the transfer of defense It is Office of Regional Economic Integration. The Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (RSAT) advances U.S. foreign policy and national security interests through its management of bilateral/ multi-lateral political-military and regional security relations and the sale/transfer of U.S.-origin defense articles and services to foreign governments. The diversification in global arms transfers caused by the emergence of new suppliers therefore deserves scrutiny. 1300 - 1430

These weapons are both legally and illegally provided by regional and international powers to all major factions of the conflict. PM/PP/RSAT. Mr. Christopher King, Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) - INVITED . Constructing Regional Security: The Role of Arms Transfers, Arms Control, and Reassurance (9780312236458) by Durch, W. and a great selection of similar New, Used and Collectible Books available now at great prices. Brazil, South Korea, Turkey and the United Arab Emirates Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers. True The Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM Bureau) is the State Department's principal link to the DoD for international acquisition matters. The administration reportedly briefed Congress in July on its plans to change its arms transfer policy to emphasize human rights, but nothing has been unveiled yet. deputy director for information assurance, national security agency department of state office of regional security and arms transfers u.s. army security assistance command . Prior to 1997 he served as a Foreign Service Officer for twelve years with overseas tours in the Azores, South Korea, the PRC and in . arms transfer policy and security cooperation policy, the United States Government will take all available steps to hasten the ultimate provision of conventional arms and security assistance. Bryan Walsh serves in the Office of Security Assistance in the U.S. Department State's Bureau of Political-Military Affairs. "Arms Transfers and Regional Conflict," Department of Political Science, Emory University, November 1991. Its responsibilities include regional security policy, security assistance, arms transfers (both government-to-government and commercial), humanitarian demining programs, critical infrastructure protection, burdensharing, complex contingency operations and contingency planning. The Bureau of Political-Military Affairs (PM) is an agency within the United States Department of State that bridges the Department of State with the Department of Defense.It provides policy in the areas of international security, security assistance, military operations, defense strategy and policy, military use of space, and defense trade.It is headed by the Assistant Secretary of State for . This office manages the sale and transfer of U.S. defense . PM/RSAT is the Department of State's principal entry point for bilateral and . In accordance with the MIDS PMOU, all FMS sales of MIDS terminals will utilize the JPEO JTRS contract for acquisition of . It fosters preventive disarmament measures, such as dialogue, transparency, and confidence-building on military . Office of Security Assistance (Effective as of 02/11/2014) 014500. PM/GPI. Since this delegation, PM's Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (RSAT) has been charged with handling arms transfers and third party transfers, disposal, and change of end-use involving U.S. -origin equipment procured via the U.S. Foreign Military Sales (FMS) Program and all government to government grant assistance programs. The world's leading private security organization, G4S, has an immediate job opportunity for a Custom Protection Officer. "The rising influence of China on regional politics provides MBS with alternatives, in the form of arms sales and possible regional security architecture, but a desire for economic growth drives . PM/GPI. From 2005 through 2007, he was Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security and Special Envoy for Nonproliferation. Legal provisions and obligations concerning the control of arms and ammunition transfers included in international instruments were addressed, placing special emphasis on those outlined in the Arms Trade Treaty. 1000 dollar sign-on bonus! 1145 - 1300 Networking Lunch . She is responsible for overseeing worldwide foreign military sales, transfers of excess defense articles, and third-party transfers. PM/DDTC. The Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (RSAT) advances U.S. foreign policy and national security interests through its management of bilateral/ multi-lateral political-military and regional security relations and the sale/transfer of U.S.-origin defense articles and services to foreign governments. (DDTC) and the Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (RSAT) at the Department of State; the Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) at the Department of Defense; and U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) at the Department of Homeland Security.

She managed two organizations, the Directorate of Defense Trade Controls and the Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers, providing overall policy guidance regarding the transfer of defense . Directorate of Defense Trade Controls (Effective 10/01/2003) 014820.

Conventional Arms Transfers: President Clinton's Policy Directive Summary President Clinton released details of his Conventional Arms Transfer Policy on February 17, 1995, which are embodied in Presidential Decision Directive 34 (PDD- 34). The Vienna office, working with the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), offered an online course to help young women professionals begin building careers in the field of . True Regional Security and Arms Transfers (RSAT) is a key link between the Departments of State and Defense through interactions . Further, any proposed transfer of MIDS equipment or MIDS information to a third party must also be approved by the Department of State Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers. by Ryan Goodman. G4S is a security provider for the United States government, fortune 500 companies, nuclear power plants, oil and gas companies, airport, ports, banks, hospit. The Office for Disarmament Affairs provides substantive and organizational support to Member States in the area of disarmament through the work of the General Assembly and its First Committee, the Disarmament Commission, the Conference on Disarmament, and other bodies. Office of Security Assistance (Effective as of 02/11/2014) 014500. tional arms transfers in the mid-1990s.
Antonyms for Office of Readings. The article emphasizes that arms export policymakers must con-sider a range of national security and economic factors, some working in favor of, and some against, any given arms transfer. has served as chair of the Arms Transfers Working Group, an alliance of arms control, human rights and religious groups based in Washington, DC. Synonyms for Office of Readings in Free Thesaurus. PM/DTCP naval education and training security assistance field activity PM/PP/RSAT.
arms exported by emerging suppliers are lower than those of the established exporters, they can nonetheless have a direct impact on international and regional security. Control Arms is pleased to contribute to these discussions, and through this submission, wishes She has also held the position of Asia Section Chief in the Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers Policy, Bureau of Political-Military Affairs. 014800. At the end of State's review of FMS cases, State's Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers, an office within the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs, sends DOD an email that states the bureau "has reviewed the proposed transfer and found it meets the criteria 1 synonym for matins: morning prayer. Under Foreign Military Sales (FMS), PM's Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (PM/RSAT) manages the FMS process in close cooperation with the Department of Defense's Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA). Several new aspects have been added to the approach to U.S. restraint. C2. In order to illustrate the interrelationship between secu-rity and economic considerations, the article discusses in . Acting Assistant Secretary. The Trump administration is now looking to reverse that decision. the FMS case. To my left is Laura Cressey, who is the deputy director in the Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers in the Bureau of Political-Military Affairs.

See Chapter 8 for EUM information. expenditure, international arms transfers, arms production, nuclear forces, armed conflicts and multilateral peace operations with state-of-the-art analysis of important aspects of arms control, peace and international security. Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (PM/RSAT) The Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (PM/RSAT) advances U.S. foreign policy and national security interests through its management of bilateral/multilateral political-military and regional security relations and the sale/transfer of U.S.-origin defense articles and services to foreign governments. Golden Sentry. 4 Richard Johnson, "United States Arms Transfer Decision-Making: Determinants of Sales versus Aid," Peace In implementing U.S. conventional arms transfer policy moving forward, "we are examining our procedures for evaluating allegations of misuse," Laura Cressey, State Department deputy director of the Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers, told Arms Control Today March 18. Since the outbreak of the war in Yemen in 2015, the state has seen a growing influx in the supply of weapons. RSAT Office Director David Bame provides policy guidance on regional security issues across the globe and manages the provision of U.S. defense articles to foreign governments worldwide through Principal Deputy Director Hank Tucker (Asia, WHA, and Arms Transfers) and Deputy Director Brooke Milton Kurtz (Africa, Middle East and Europe). The Control Arms Coalition welcomes the initiative taken by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to prepare a report on the impact of diversion of arms and unregulated or illicit arms transfers on human rights. Third-party transfers require notification and approval from the Department of State's Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers. He graduated summa cum laude from Wittenberg University (Springfield, Ohio) with a bachelor's degree in history and received a master's degree in international security policy from Colombia University.

Mr. Milko Padilla, Office of the Secretary of the Air Force International Affairs (SAF/IA) - INVITED . Global Programs and Initiatives (Effective as of 04/30/2017) 014700. PM/DTCP Constructing Regional Security: The Role of Arms Transfers, Arms Control, and Reassurance (9780312236458): Durch, W.: Books Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfers (PM/RSAT) . Decisions to sell or otherwise transfer weapons or technologies are most often based on mutual security interests, and may also be designed to affect the world or regional geopolitical balance, tipping it in favor of the United States.

In this capacity, he reported directly to the Secretary of State as the principal State Department officers for non- and counterproliferation matters, arms control, arms transfers, regional security and . 1.In its resolution 41/20, the Human Rights Council requested the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) to prepare a report, in consultation with States, United Nations agencies and other relevant stakeholders, on the impact of the diversion of arms and unregulated or illicit arms transfers on the human rights of women and girls. c. Serves as a principal liaison with the Department of Defense on policy issues, including security assistance, and on coordination of U.S. military-related activities with U.S. foreign policy implications. . Job Introduction: HIRING NOW! In this capacity, the Under Secretary (U/S) attends and participates, at the direction of the President, in National Security Council (NSC .

RSAT stands for Office of Regional Security and Arms Transfer (US Department of State) This definition appears rarely and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: MLA style: "RSAT." Acronym Finder.

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