comma after then example

Commas to introduce a sentence.

I used to be a werewolf, but I'm much better naaaoowwwwwww! We should only place a comma before but when we are joining together two sentences, otherwise, a comma is unnecessary. Use a comma to separate coordinate adjectives ( We enjoyed the warm, sunny weather ).

When to Use Commas After Introductory Prepositional Phrases. Look at the second example. This indicates that the clauses are to be read separately. All the same, it is a comma that appears after "and." Examples Commas That Are, Indeed, Useful. When the day of the week is provided before the month, the day of the week should be followed by a comma. The comma rules to help you decide are easy to learn, use, and remember. For example, you can insert commas in mid-sentence to interrupt the sentence flow, introduce an aside, or add emphasis. A comma is also placed between each item. Examples: 1) We are having the party on Oct. 4, 2011, in our backyard. Imagine I'm worried about a library book that is due tomorrow: I'm not finished reading it; moreover, I left it at Steve's house.

Commas before or after conjunctions. It depends. Use a comma before a coordinating conjunction when you join two independent clauses. Common subordinating conjunctions include because , while , since , when , until, and unless. Commas—sometimes paired with semicolons—are traditionally used to set off adverbs such as however, therefore, and indeed. The words mayor of Oakdale tell us something about Tom O'Shea, but if you removed the words from the sentence, it would still . Here's an example.

Commas with Introductory Phrases. His job title is separated from the rest of the sentence by commas. Of those four uses, you'll only need to use a comma before . conjuction vs. preposition - In scientific, mathematic and linguistic descriptions, the word conjunction expresses AND, a Boolean term which means "the union or overlap of the two fields.

Perhaps you have included a list or coordinate adjectives. Example: While I was eating, the cat scratched at the door. (Note: Some publications and teachers do not require use of the comma before the word and when there are more . But if you know the punctuation rules, it's simple. Rule 1 - Use a comma when beginning sentences with introductory words such as well, why, hello, no, yes, etc. Also, in this example, the phrase "If I have to type" serves as an introductory element, and therefore, the comma should be placed after "type." Whether in scientific writing or every day correspondence, sentences in which the comma appears after "then" would be of the former type.

The word can be used as part of a nonrestrictive phrase, restrictive phrase, or prepositional phrase, and it can be used as an interrogative word. After a long introductory prepositional phrase or more than one introductory prepositional phrase. However, it's normally not necessary to use a comma if the independent clause comes first: Please call me if you can't make it. May be that is the reason a comma is used there. It all depends on the context. Rule: If the dependent clause comes first, you should use a comma. The following examples show how the Oxford comma can affect meaning, using the defining phrase 'for stockfeed'. Answer (1 of 12): It depends on the context and the meaning. After introductory verbal phrases, some appositive phrases, or absolute phrases. A defining phrase is essential to the meaning of the sentence. Example: The teacher, Mrs. Johnson, plans to retire next week. You need to use commas with titles. Commas with Introductory Words. Tom O'Shea is the mayor of Oakdale. John was exhausted after the race. gives a clear rule/suggestion about the usage of comma after the transition words/phrases at the beginning of a sentence.. one should use commas after their transition word or phrase that starts a new sentence.. Formally speaking, there must always be a comma following all of these: namely. Commas almost always follow phrases at the beginning of sentences; use the comma to separate the phrase from the independent clause. "If I had seen him then, I would have spoken to him" Sentence 1 is using a slightly more formal 'if…then' construction. Follow "therefore" with a comma. You can also put a comma after the year if the sentence calls for it. So, that means we need to move the commas: The rabbit hopped, and then he ate a carrot. However, as you have already included a comma before the "and" a comma here is unnecessary (and even ugly). In this case, a comma is placed after "then", which separates "then" as an introductory adverb from the rest of the sentence. She was born in San Diego, California, in 1980. It works well as a standalone phrase which doesn't add further detail to the sentence. Use commas to separate items in a list. Well, I never thought I'd live to see the day… Rule 2 - Use a comma before and after introductory words such as namely, that is, i.e., for example, e.g., or for instance when they are followed by a series of .

Some function as adjectives.

; Oxford commas are also known as serial or Harvard commas. For more on this, plus an example of an instance where a comma is required after the independent clause, take a look at Subordinate Clauses and . B) Do not use a comma after the state if you use the two letter abbreviated (shortened) version of the state. When using then to indicate a sequence of events, either in reporting events or giving instructions, it should not normally have a comma (though there are always exceptions, like there being a parenthetical clause immediately after it). Let's look at some examples of when you need to insert a comma or omit it. It seems illogical to put a comma at the end, just because one's in the habit of doing so for adjective-based salutations. If it's being used as a discourse marker, then go ahead and use a comma.

and e.g. I'm not finished reading it is a main clause, and I left it at Steve's house is a main clause, so I need a semicolon before moreover and a comma after it.

When "then" refers to a point in time, you should not put a comma before it. (In this example, the shaded text is an adjective phrase. In Example 1, we know exactly who visited the UK, so we add commas around the appositive because it is non-essential. It is a bracketing comma which (along with the comma before "nine") sets apart the words "nine years later, three months after my mother died".

If you have an introductory word (or two) that is being used as an adverb (usually answers the question of when, where, why, or to what degree), then no comma.

1. To me, this is a sentence. More Examples of Commas Before Conjunctions.

in. Bracketing commas show that the sentence will still make sense if the words set apart by the commas are removed - like this: "It was the move back to New York that threw me, and threw me . It is appropriate to use a comma after the date when you are separating the day of the month from the year in a written sentence. In addition, they should be preceded by a punctuation mark, though not necessarily a comma. There are some circumstances that a comma should be used after then: "It is good, then, that you wish to learn more." But your examples aren't such circumstances. When the date appears in the middle of a sentence, commas should appear both before and after the year. Not every phrase or clause that appears at the front of a sentence is an adverbial one. This means use a comma after a participial phrase, an absolute phrase, an infinitive phrase, and a prepositional phrase. In general, the comma shows that the words immediately before the comma are less closely or exclusively linked grammatically to those immediately after the comma than they might be otherwise. The word but isn't the only conjunction that gets a comma before it when it joins two independent clauses. After the race, John was exhausted. ; Commas should be used before and when joining two independent clauses or when compiling a list.

Consider the below examples of sentences containing properly placed and omitted commas: Short prepositional phrase: An Oxford comma, or serial comma, is the final comma in a list. "If one cake feeds 5, 2 cakes will feed 10, then". The example phrase is placed directly after the word it modifies. Use a pair of commas in the middle of a sentence to set off transition words and phrases as well as clauses that are not essential to the meaning of the sentence. Rule 1.

I'd need to see a sample sentence before I could offer any opinions about commas after "and"s. Second, using the serial comma - a comma before "and" or "or" in a series of three or more items (a . Put a comma after introductory words, phrases, and clauses. Examples when no comma is needed— . The word "So" is a conjunction, when used to join two independent clauses, then use a comma before the conjunction. Learn what the rules of comma placements are and how to remember them here.

For example, use the Oxford comma before the last item if you're using a defining phrase applicable only to that final item.

Don't use a comma when "then" is at the end of a sentence (time) However, just because the word "then" is at the end of a sentence does not mean there should be a comma before it. Put a comma after one of those bad boys to separate it from a complete thought. Use commas after introductory a) clauses, b) phrases, or c) words that come before the main clause. "if' clause is usually a dependent clause. If an independent clause follows a dependent clause then you can use a comma to separate it from the independent clause.

Whether or not you put a comma before and depends on how you're using and.There's no single rule that applies to all situations. The Oxford comma reduces ambiguity in lists. The meaning of thereafter is after that. But Wait …. An example: 1.

It's almost always optional to put a comma before and in a list.. Comma Before And in Lists. To follow comma rules, you should probably become familiar with them first. Examples: Yes, I do need that report.

Think about this example. Once you know the rules, you can make the correct decision every time. In the example above, the adverb ("psychologically") modifies a single word ("tortured"), so no comma is required. The position of a comma can often reflect the sense in which the word is being used. For example, you can insert commas in mid-sentence to interrupt the sentence flow, introduce an aside, or add emphasis.

Correct: Because/Since the city's government has curtailed . The store closed its doors for good on Wednesday, October 15, 1958.

A comma after a period is necessary when the period ends an abbreviation in a list, introductory expression, parenthesis, salutation, compound sentence, and inverted complex sentence. When connecting a dependent clause, a comma is not required.

Let's start with the fact that unless a name or title is the last word(s) in a sentence, it can either be used with no commas at all, OR with a comma both before and after. however, hence, indeed, furthermore), follow it with a comma.. How to use thereafter in a sentence. Look at the examples. The correct commas after date rule is based on what type of date is used in the sentence. Therefore, a comma is not required after "sing." The phrase "be classically trained dancers" cannot stand alone as a sentence. When to use a comma.

Using a Comma after a Fronted Adjective Phrase or Clause. For example, when "and" is followed by a phrase beginning with a preposition, such as "for example" or "as you will see", you might think to add a comma after the "and". 5. When do you use a comma before or after but? If there is a .

Letters and emails to family .

Here are a couple of examples: "Someday, I'd like to go on a cruise." — This is incorrect. For example: Imbued with common sense, Mark is a great choice for the role. If you have the month-date-year format, a comma is always required after the year. When the date appears in the middle of a sentence, commas should appear both before and after the year. The standard rule is that when there are more than two items in a series, put a comma after each item except the last item. Rule #10. We'll show you how to use conjunctions, clauses, relative pronouns, and the proper way to use a comma after "and" with our comma cheat sheet. Generally, you should not place a comma before or after "instead.". Commas should sometimes be placed before - and after - names and titles. A coordinating conjunction is used to connect words, phrases, and clauses. Taking the word but for example, if it is being used to join two independent clauses together then there should be a comma before but. If you are being absolutely, technically correct, a comma should be used to separate two clauses when the clause begun by the subordinating conjunction comes first. Example: My estate goes to my husband, son, daughter-in-law, and nephew. Examples: I am traveling to Austin, Texas, to visit my sister. In the example above, the adverb ("psychologically") modifies a single word ("tortured"), so no comma is required. If a sentence includes additional or extraneous information, it should be separated from the rest of the sentence by commas (before and after). The rest of the sentence comes after the second comma.

The comma should be placed after the first clause and before the coordinating .

You usually put a comma before and when it's connecting two independent clauses.

A comma or a semicolon is placed before for example. It all depends on the context. Use commas to separate words and word groups in a simple series of three or more items. An independent clause is one that works as a full sentence on its own. This example showcases a sentence structure that is universally considered to be grammatically correct. See, in this specific example:; then they sold it for considerable profit. Do not place a comma after Then. Examples. The rabbit, hopped, and then, he ate, a carrot. It takes a little practice. In colloquial English, the 'then' isn't nece. Then, regarding email, it bugs me to put a comma after "Hi Freddy," as I think it should be "Hi, Freddy." -period. . where some editions skip the comma after "Then" as shown, e.g., in this annotation: in Example 2 if we remove "Manuel Picon" we don't know which former French President we're talking about.

A comma separates words, not letters. However, if your date consists only of day and month, you don't need to use a comma as a separator. Examples: I am traveling to Austin, TX to visit my sister. This is true when another word such as 'or' is joining the last word. Commas are used to pace our sentences and our writing. while, before, after, as soon as, until (Murphy 25A-C) Includes examples but no descriptive grammar terms.

He went by DC for Danger Cat though.

But, if you must know the truth, I never owned a lead pipe or a candlestick. Rule #5: Use Commas to Separate Additional Information. In the examples above, the serial or Oxford comma appears after the words "showered" and "cards." Some style guides , such as the AP Stylebook, don't require the Oxford comma, but for the most part, using the Oxford comma is a good rule to follow to avoid misreading the .

The punctuation with an interrupter is meant to offset it from the rest of the sentence.

However the model is not always accurate. If I use correct punctuation, then I will include commas where necessary.. A) Use a comma after the state if you spell out the name of the state. NOTE: Do not use a comma if the order is reversed (the independent clause comes before the dependent clause), except for cases of extreme contrast. A comma is placed after it. (Gregg 182) 4B AN EXPLANATION a. If the appositive is essential to the meaning of the phrase then we don't have commas, i.e. This is a fight fought even by the editors of John Donne: Then, lest thy love, hate, and me thou undo. It always contains a main verb and a grammatical subject (the noun, noun phrase, or pronoun that comes at the very beginning of a . If there are no two independent clauses, comma is not used. Note: When the last comma in a series comes before and or or (after daughter-in-law in the above example), it is known as the Oxford comma.Most newspapers and magazines drop the Oxford comma in a simple series, apparently . Dec 19 2008 07:34:42. We use commas while combining multiple phrases in one sentence or writing about different items in a list. But in the example below, no commas are used around the by phrases because the authors' names . Because I was late, I had to sit in the back.

Note that this is an exception to the general rule that a semicolon is always followed by an independent clause. Main Comma Before And Takeaways: A comma is a form of punctuation that indicates a pause in a sentence and separates items in a list.

; Commas can separate adjectives, offset nonessential phrases, and introduce direct quotations. We do, however, typically use commas between sentence adverbs and the rest of a sentence. Example: When I was younger, I had a cat named Whiskers the Magical Cat. However, they are followed by commas too. If you remove the phrase, the meaning is the same: Life after Life won several book awards.. With "and" and "or," the same rules apply, as you'll see in the following examples: With a comma (independent clause + independent clause): The word "which" has a few different use cases in the English language. In short, we usually don't use commas before or after regular adverbs modifying verbs, adverbs, and adjectives. When the adverb is essential to the meaning of the clause, or if no pause is intended or desired, commas are not needed. He is a city councilman. If your sentence has an interrupter after but, then go ahead and use the comma. It is used in generally similar ways in other languages, particularly European ones, although the rules on comma usage - and their rigidity . This is because there is a natural pause after "therefore" when it is included in a sentence. You can hear that the pauses come at the wrong times in this sentence.

Is there a comma after a name before JR? The clause, if you must know the truth, stops the flow of the sentence to interject this point. But if the phrase is longer than four words, use a comma. It's often used to identify one thing amongst a larger set. "Therefore" should always be followed up with a comma. But, no comma is needed when the abbreviation is used as a name title or prefix, essential sentence element, and suffix. There is some leeway with prepositional phrases. If Hillary Clinton wins the election in 2008, then she will become the first female president.. It's often used to identify one thing amongst a larger set. A lot of people have strong feelings about putting a comma before and in a list. (In this example, the conjunction "and" is not joining two independent clauses. Common starter words for introductory clauses that should be followed by a comma include after, although, as, because, if, since, when, while. Use the Oxford or serial comma before the last item in a list to clarify the list.

When the day of the week is provided before the month, the day of the week should be followed by a comma. That means if a nonessential phrase comes right after the word "and," as it did in the previous sentence, you will see a comma showing up after the word "and." Again, this is technically because the comma needs to go before the nonessential phrase. However, the example sentences in Cambridge Dictionary seem to invalidate this rule. Even when the statement drops the word then, a comma must be used.. As you can see, there is a comma after but. Use a comma after a dependent clause when it comes before the independent clause. Therefore, it is not an independent clause.) You could add one more comma to this sentence, but it isn't required: The rabbit hopped, and then, he ate a carrot. Examples. For example, "I love spending time in nature. that is, for example, i.e. "If I had seen him, then I would have spoken to him" 2.

The word can be used as part of a nonrestrictive phrase, restrictive phrase, or prepositional phrase, and it can be used as an interrogative word. However, we might include a comma directly after it when used as an introductory remark. Tip: you need a comma after the date as well, it will separate it from the rest of the sentence. If the answer is yes, then you should certainly put a comma before but . Some Real-Life Examples Here are some real-life examples with commas used correctly before . In the following example, commas are used to set off the by phrase because the phrase is not integral to the meaning of the sentence:. ; However, the model is not always accurate. A post (Comma after "of course" at the beginning of a sentence?) Nonrestrictive (nonessential clauses . The one and only time where a comma works after "Instead" is when we introduce a sentence . This is because it might seem that there is a pause there. Without the comma the sentence may sound rushed to readers. The word "which" has a few different use cases in the English language. Life after Life, by Kate Atkinson, won several book awards.. There must be a comma before the word and. But in your example sentences the first clause appears incomplete. Of those four uses, you'll only need to use a comma before . If Santa Clause was real, he would bring me a new bike. If your sentence doesn't have an interrupter, leave the comma out. Mister Micawber. There are exceptions to the convention of not using commas with regular adverbs in mid-sentence.

The company is having serious trouble managing all of these misplaced commas. Next, ask yourself whether the sentence needs a comma for some other reason. With longer introductory phrases that set the stage for the main part of the sentence, it's generally best to use a comma, especially if the phrase is more . There are exceptions to the convention of not using commas with regular adverbs in mid-sentence. If you write a person's name followed by his or her title, you need to put one comma before it, and .

Commas are needed before coordinating conjunctions, after dependent clauses (when they precede independent clauses), and to set off appositives. The store closed its doors for good on Wednesday, October 15, 1958. Use a comma in the following cases: After an introductory clause. This is Albert Adams's job title.

If this is the case, you will need to add a comma or two; however, it's unlikely that the comma will appear after the word but . If you just have a month and a year or a month and a day, using commas after dates depends on context: Correct: Our wedding in April 1993 was beautiful. "If, then" statements require commas to separate the two clauses that result. Example: I discovered, much to my surprise, that I got the promotion. If you introduce a sentence with a transition word (e.g. When an introductory prepositional phrase is very short (less than four words), the comma is usually optional. 2. sentence with commas. It will always have . Introductory elements often require a comma, but not always. The comma performs a number of functions in English writing. This one's for the semicolon abusers: if a conjunctive adverb is used to begin, interrupt, or conclude a sentence, a comma—not a semicolon—must come before and/or after the adverb (depending on whether it is at the beginning, middle, or end). Commonsense Grammar And Style By Phillip S. Sparks. Use a comma after transition words and phrases that begin a sentence: however, therefore, on the other hand, for example, etc. In short, the general modern style is to write names such as Martin Luther King Jr. without the comma—that's what you should see in private newspapers and websites—but if you write for a government publication or website that follows USGPO style, you should include the comma before Jr. Also Does comma come before Jr or III? There are more usages of a comma, for example, how adding or removing comma before and after a name changes the meaning of the sentence — In this article we'll learn how to correctly use commas when referring to someone in a sentence. Commas can be used after informal salutations that include an adjective such as "Dear." The trick is that you have to decide if your message is formal or informal. Now, here's the rub. I ran short of money, so I borrowed some from my sister.

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