three little birds sat on my window ruin childhood

Running around on Dumaine saying, “Car time! Or Mom, how you feel since Katrina? The federal government had been trying to shut them down for years. And Katrina was the first time I saw it. President, I’m really concerned about the DHS and kind of the culture and stuff we need to cha—” And before I could finish, he looked at me and said, “I’ve already fixed that.” And he said it in such a way that I knew. After that, Joe Albaugh left, and Michael Brown became director. Please confirm accuracy before quoting. You have your mission. They were stranded too. And he had another big problem. The paradox of Michael Brown seems to be this: All of his efforts to defend himself, to not be made a scapegoat … they, And maybe that’s a blind spot of mine. And I’m like, What in the devil? And that is a shot of the French Quarter tonight. • I like to push the envelope. But is it unreasonable for somebody to come and say “We see you’re here”? Mark was trying to tell his editors how serious the storm was going to be. And in New Orleans, it’s even harder. Or George Patton on a piss-looking horse. Being on the air so much meant Garland got more than his fair share of call-ins. You’ll get a briefing, expert policy advice, and vote on what you what to do. Newkirk II: Fred Johnson never really left New Orleans after Katrina. Archival (Siegel): How many days before your operation finds these people, brings them at least food, water, medical supplies, if not gets them out of there? Archival (news clip): And that is a shot of the French Quarter tonight. The thought of armed looters storming the place would have been terrifying. That was crazy. I had a Verizon at that time. I really don’t know. Alice was doing what she’d seen black folks in the Lower Ninth Ward do forever. Jesus Christ. And in the middle of it was green parrots. He said that’s exactly how it happened. The president flying over for a personal look at the devastation. It’s … It was just, it was something. You know what I mean? But he was making a promise he wouldn’t keep. So I’m just gonna get this jacket. I’m not getting on the road.”. It’s time for us to come together. They brought me to the counselor. That we wanted special consideration was—he considered that chutzpah. But somehow the eminently verifiable fact of thousands of people sitting in a giant building in the middle of town was too much rumor for FEMA. I cried, and I cried. Robinette: I think we were on the eighth or ninth floor. Then it got on the door, and I’m like, Okay! 1 rule in the Army: Fill up every time you can. Where I wanted to be. Living with two gorgeous women makes the situation even worse – the stepmom is a voluptuous MILF with a smoking hot body and huge tits, and the stepsister is a petite blonde with a cute face and a nice ass. Red Cross volunteers gave Alice’s family a voucher for a hotel. Williams: ’Cause they would say mean stuff. Almost half said the looters they saw on TV were quote-unquote “criminals.” The vast majority of people in the poll thought the media was pretty much on the level. Alice Craft-Kearney: At night it was pitch black except for the fires that had erupted because of gas. Williams: They used to be mad. It’s because he didn’t have the luxury of denial. In her brother’s three-story house on the high ground. The show’s producers, Alvin and Katherine, kept asking if we wanted to take a break, get some coffee. And as the weeks became months, as Magee became Scottsdale became Houston, there were new questions hanging over the city of New Orleans. He’s a forensic scientist for disasters. No reason. Newkirk II: Alice knew what she had to do. The White House had created Joint Task Force Katrina and put him in charge of units in Alabama, Mississippi, Florida, and Louisiana. Rosenthal: They were using intimidation. But the Army Corps of Engineers are just fine. But Katrina did jog slightly east just before hitting land, and that spared New Orleans—a city actually below sea level—the kind of direct hit that residents have worried about and feared for years. There is shooting. And she happened to see us. And overnight we had 200 members. The apartment was small. It’s … It was just, it was something. Most of the folks around this way are strangers. Newkirk II: Chertoff just ignores the question. It would manifest in a series of violent tragedies in a race to bury them under the floodwaters. Archival (news clip): As the city begins what’s likely the biggest demolition project in U.S. history the question is: Can we or should we put New Orleans back together again? Le-Ann and her cousin Aralle were in a quiet, pitch-black New Orleans for the first time in their lives. Apparently, a group of Army Corps of Engineers contractors were on a bridge. It’s crazy there’s nowhere in the world I’d rather be than here. Newkirk II: This is a week where a story about all kinds of violence were taken seriously. Here we are and here it is. But after 9/11, Congress created the Department of Homeland Security … and put FEMA under it. Williams: Yeah, I wore that jacket to school, boy. There were a lot of folks, cramped up: Le-Ann, her parents, two aunts, her brother, her sister, and quite a few cousins. Newkirk II: After all, a levee had been blown up 1927. Brownie? But there ought to be consequences. But it was hard to get stability. I’mma need it sooner or later ’cause we just gonna be here just temporarily anyway. Lineage. Newkirk II: Alice and her family were relatively lucky. I don’t know. A family member said the men were trying to spark a race war. And 1936. The levees would simply be too low to stop the water. After a week passed, they decided to walk back to their home in the east. Archival (Meyers): The destruction of the people of southern Louisiana and Mississippi may end up being the most tragic loss of all. Then sons-a-bitches going straight to national television. And we did not survive Jim Crow well, not being landowners. We asked the Army Corps about it. Taking care of her own. It didn’t feel like the effort was in your favor, and that’s a difficult place to be. FEMA guy, where is the buses?” “We don’t know. Knocked on the door, hoping somebody might come let us in … let Le-Ann see the tree in the backyard she’d grown up climbing or the place where she used to play Pitty Pat with her cousins. The first time he experienced any kind of real racial integration in his life was when he joined the ROTC. I was raised by two incredible parents to see people as humans. The breach of the Industrial Canal and others created a pivotal moment in American history. Where else were the people going to go? On the AM dial, the Big 870 WWL. But in Houston, things changed. You can’t have New Orleans no other way; it wouldn’t be New Orleans. Archival (news clip): They told us go to the Superdome. Because it’s too late to evacuate. A novelty pen radio. That people with power and money might see an empty city as an opportunity for change. And I don’t care what people are saying Uptown or wherever they are. Brown: Absolutely. It was a double: His mother’s old unit was next to his. They’re monitoring this. Instead of having ’em up, treating us like dogs with guns, they should have been down there trying to help us. The vision is letting you know that although you may perceive things differently, you are always free to make your own choices in life. “How beautiful and delightful is my love,” he says. It never occurred to us they could break, especially levees built by the Army Corps of Engineers. Drove until they hit water. Newkirk II: That’s Ivor van Heerden. I was coming back. The White House was offering Special Ops troops to provide order. Archival (John Burnett): Let me clarify for the secretary and for everyone else what myself and [audio loss] Hawk just drove away from three blocks from here in the Ernest Morial Convention Center. Katrina validated that. A cool scene for young people and tourists. Lots of people were still evacuated, scattered across the country. The next morning, the only building still standing on Last Island was that stable. Archival (news clip): People still in New Orleans, if they looked to the skies this morning, saw Air Force One. National audiences expected around-the-clock coverage about the disaster, but the national media didn’t have around-the-clock information. We found one gas station that we were going to in Birmingham. In 1965, Hurricane Betsy had overtopped and broken the levees and drowned the neighborhood. If anything, the levees were hills that were sometimes fun to roll on. But General Honoré is going through and telling all of them to put their weapons pointed down. Newkirk II: So it gave them an opportunity almost. Yeah. They were joining what was probably the largest migration of people in the United States since the Great Depression. Craft-Kerney: The Lower Ninth Ward was like, I guess you could say, Mayberry for me. That night the winds grew stronger. Simply defending the station. Katrina happened during a weird technological moment. She would argue for the right of New Orleans to come back. Newkirk II: Inside, supporters and opponents of the demolition argued for two and a half hours. It just smell like rotten, something rotten. van Heerden: The water didn’t get high enough. Ivor and LSU settled in 2013 for over $400,000. I can’t wait to go back to Treme Center, so Fonso could walk me home. The cards was a-rolling. Get to safety. When my mom passed, my grandson, I don’t think he was 1 years old. Garland Robinette: I came out of a coffee shop and there was a big palm tree. Yeah. They’ve been walking for days.” And the lady, she opened the bus. Let’s go loot the Hyatt. It’s from “Decision Points Theater,” an interactive exhibit at the museum … more like a video game, really. It takes a little time to do difficult shit. You’re bombarded with information. Newkirk II: So explain to me as if I’m a person in the convention center. But the people left behind were going to need somewhere to go. But I grew up listening to my grandfather and old men sitting on the porch, before we had TV, telling stories. I thrive on shit like this. Brown: I know, but when it comes to food and supplies, it is kind of an ocean. The Army Corps took that patchwork and turned it into mighty walls that could hold back river, lake, and storm. I mean, we were actually disseminating food in the Superdome. Archival (news clip): For those trapped in New Orleans, 10 shelters have been opened, including the steel and concrete massive Superdome …, Archival (news clip): Twenty to twenty-five thousand people it’s estimated have gone to the Superdome …, Archival (news clip): We’re expecting upwards of 20,000–30,000 people inside the Superdome here …. [Crying.]. The business district was coming back. I feel like it’s crazy. My ma registered me in Magee High. Vann Newkirk II: Radio host Garland Robinette was on the air more or less constantly after Katrina, broadcasting from a studio the size of a broom closet in Baton Rouge. Brown: Looking backward, I might have said, “I fear the levees could break.”. The idea that the federal government is responsible for flooding an entire American city was just—I think it was just too much for people to believe. No ambulances either. My family members in the Ninth Ward saying that they hearing a loud popping sound. The officers approached the men. I don’t think New Orleans’ll be here years to come. And as they brought that Black Hawk down, I mean, they dropped that son of a bitch. I’ll tell you, I will never go back there. And whether [the looters] were real or whether they were not, I didn’t have the luxury to take that position. Archival (news clip): They now join one of America’s greatest population shifts since the Great Depression. A course which will make New Orleans great again, not only for the few but for the all. My regret was that in those end tables is where she kept all of the picture books. So I got the jacket. Those things were out of Michael Brown’s control. Archival (news clip): So much of this city, the Big Easy, is so easily flooded. Newkirk II: Back in that week after Katrina, Mayor Ray Nagin was on the radio with Garland Robinette. He ran a sugar plantation out in the bayou. And had he not opened up my eyes to that world, it is entirely true that I might have come home and just lived my life and done absolutely nothing. At least from my perspective, I thought we did that. That he shot him in self-defense. The Titanic was a failure due to the arrogance of man. And that was a true learning experience, and it made me reflect on. He was generous, and he answered every question. And he was instrumental. Mayor Ray Nagin had to. Running around on Dumaine saying, “Car time! You and I both would. You got a bunch of reporters still pissing New York beer just showing up. Vann Newkirk II: It was three months after Katrina. And I saw a breach after breach after breach after breach. The police department has also come a long way. They having a hurricane party. Playing for 50 cents, change everywhere. There was one at the Superdome. Honoré: So I call back down to the governor’s office and say, “Hey, tell the governor, ‘Don’t tell the troops to shoot to kill. She found information about an old test the Army Corps had done to figure out how deep to anchor the 17th Street and London Avenue floodwalls. Brown: I know what’s in my heart. Authorities failed to get buses to people, leaving lots of poor people stranded. We live in a bowl. Come on! The bricks had been around for over 60 years. And he turned to the guy standing next to him, FEMA chief Michael Brown. They talked about General Honoré and the slow government response. Pop. Richard found his master’s 18-year-old daughter bleeding from a head wound and delivered her to safety. Newkirk II: There’s footage of homeless people and Red Cross camps and refugees. Brown: Joe said, “I need somebody I can trust.”. I mean, we did D-Day. Isle Dernière. She went to community college. He was like, “May God be with you.” And when he said that, the power went woo. The canal was designed to drain water out of the city and pump it up to the lake. I don’t know if they got their marching orders from somebody to say, “Let this area just languish and die,” but that’s what it felt like. Charity had been a landmark for black New Orleanians. You’ve got to somehow look the part. Newkirk II: You walk up a hill and up to a fence, and you can look out over the lake. They raise money for good causes. That New Orleans shouldn’t be rebuilt. Robinette: It sounded like whoop, whoop, whoop. We—they on contract. Well, it’s rising in the downtown area. People are getting killed and raped. Like, that was my first time hearing the name Destiny. No streetlights, no nothing. Newkirk II: In Treme, Le-Ann Williams and her family were also waiting to be rescued. She tried to fit in, like any normal schoolgirl. I don’t know. I mean, those were the three most prevalent diagnoses that I saw in my clinic. Archival (Nagin): I have no idea what they’re doing, but I will tell you this: You know, God is looking down on all this, and if they are not doing everything in their power to save people, they are going to pay the price. Can you please just take me and my family? The city was black. And so I won my Genevieve, My bright and beauteous Bride. The "Three Blind Mice" have nothing on the torture this poor bird endured. Alice spent a lot of time at her brother’s house in the Lower Ninth Ward after she got back. I heard it all over town. I thrive on shit like this. Not a street, a road—rocks. Was that part of the plan? He blew past all the red tape and just steamrolled past anything in his way. Maybe it didn’t want anybody like her anymore. And I’m just stuffing the bag with food and drinks for us so we could have to eat. Craft-Kerney: We were gone, and folks were making plans for that land. And they issued a memo to all of his staffers: “Don’t do that.” And most people would be frightened by it, but me, I was actually empowered by it because I knew I must be right. He hadn’t slept. Newkirk II: When was this? And I definitely wanted to get back to my home. All she saw was military personnel with their guns trained on her. Williams: They was giving out free chicken—just frying chicken and giving out free chicken. Le-Ann and her cousins stopped for a minute and had some ice cream. Newkirk II: David was surprised. But hears that she can go to the Superdome, can be safe. Williams: They’ll let us run in the street and play freely. So my mom just telling us to close our eyes, just to keep going. … Hope not dealing with no national disasters. Yeah. Le-Ann Williams: We got off on the Tchoupitoulas exit, and we were sitting under the bridge. It wasn’t true. Many people were still stranded in flooded buildings across the city. And he’ll have it throwed over his shoulder, because you know a tuba is heavy. And Brownie, you’re doing a heck of a job. The Coast Guard and Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries were in the water within hours of landfall. Everyone knew that neighborhood was vulnerable to floods after hurricanes. It takes a little longer to do fucking impossible. Back then they spoke French in southern Louisiana, and that island was as far south as it got. They just shut it down. Alice Craft-Kerney: Everybody’s vehicles were sitting in my brother’s yard. If I get there Tuesday, explain to me why there’s no real federal presence until Thursday, Friday. Well, if they’re responsible for that, what else are they responsible for? Newkirk II: She went to class with one of her cousins. Take a look at the list of scenarios in front of you. They rode around the neighborhood on bikes and stopped by the wing spot on the corner. Newkirk II: In the Lafitte Projects, Le-Ann’s mom was getting anxious. Not even safety. It was very difficult. Her family had to walk to the convention center on their own. Came down from the top and said “I’m sorry for what happened to you and Katrina and this and that and dadada.” After 14 years. Sandy Rosenthal: Sliver by the river. You may need to download version 2.0 now from the Chrome Web Store. I’m tired. every thing in my grandmother's house as neatly as possible. It takes a little longer to do fucking impossible. As the storm approached, he sent emails with jokes about wanting to resign. It’s just like something just came over me. I allowed people who are very close to me to suffer hardship to do my job. Like he talking to me. Or likely to die. Two weeks after the storm, after the “heck of a job Brownie” comment and lots of negative media coverage, he resigned. Maybe it remembers as it rises a little higher and swallows more and more communities on the coast. Come on, baby. Rosenthal: There had not been a major hurricane in 40 years. Alice Craft-Kerney was back in the city too. It took a long time for even the people who lived there to understand exactly what happened. But with the Corps, he felt he became persona non grata. Brown: Haley Barbour did a fantastic job of responding to the disaster. But in a way, it made sense. White residents came back more quickly than black residents and were more likely to be able to stay in the homes they had before the flood. Craft-Kearney: I could not believe that we were being referred to as “refugees” in our own country. Archival (news clip): The hurricane came ashore with winds of 80 miles an hour. She’d even packed her tennis racket. If you know all of that, if you’ve seen all that, maybe a conspiracy is the most logical conclusion. So I don’t have a point of reference to physically show them. Newkirk II: Looking down from above, Ivor saw that his computer models had been right. The plan was to get out of the city for a little bit and wait in a hotel somewhere for it to blow over. New Orleans was his responsibility now. Really trying. Le-Ann and her family kept an eye on the TV news, watching things go from bad to worse. Keep in touch. If it was the last place in the United States of America, I live on a boat. She hadn’t had time to take the SAT or ACT, and she had no idea how to even apply for college, really. The mayor and other officials were desperate for somebody to take charge. Newkirk II: We actually know what people made of all this. They had black folks on the jury; they took all them off. Playing for 50 cents, change everywhere. Why are you talking? We all just held each other and cried. But he’s also one of the guys people call when big engineering projects fail. He got an early start on rebuilding his home in the Seventh Ward. Get out of here. We’re debating whether property rights should trump everything or not. Williams: Oh my God. He raised cows for segregated 4-H shows. An autopsy revealed that Brumfield was shot in the back. And then, for 40 years, it was quiet. Newkirk II: Magee, Mississippi, is something like the exact opposite of New Orleans. So I’mma be in the same position my mom and dad was in. They’d had a rough couple days. Archival (Chertoff): Well, I would be—I say, I have not heard a report of thousands of people in the convention center who don’t have food and water. Sorry for what? His church—that was segregated too. Weak sunshine but quite warm at 16C/61F this morning. You may have found it comforting for a moment,” but considering how disaster response works, I don’t want to give her a false hope that somewhere in the future—maybe not her in particular—that this is going to happen again. I’m not riding in that shit. So that’s where I went. Everybody is wearing something green, green socks, green panties, green lingerie, and the half naked girls are looking so hot and sexy, turning the crowd on by having hot lesbian sex, making out, masturbating each other, rubbing and fingering their gushing slits. For all the people who left New Orleans, there are a lot of people who didn’t leave for whatever reason. I done been to Arizona, Texas, Mississippi after Katrina. In a few weeks, the bulldozers would move in and start knocking down 4,500 apartments. Right? He said, “This is your desk right next to me.” I said, “Sir, you will never see me sit in that fucking desk.” He said, “No, I need you right next to me, so we coordinate this.” I said, “Yeah, but the people in the water in New Orleans. So just before Le-Ann’s 16th birthday, they were on their way back to New Orleans. That’s the point. I’d seen. Newkirk II: It was due to strengthen on Saturday. Why are you talking? And they was like, “Oh, well, you can just wear it. There were huge gaps in between some walls. He’d gone out with a photographer down the interstate. You wouldn’t know now that it was a vacation spot. They had chips floating everywhere and everything. But nobody answered. And they think if they shoot in the air, the helicopter will hear them and come get them or mark their position.” And out of all the stories, and I mean, I’ve had helicopter pilots, you run into them all over the place. Newkirk II: One fascinating thing about New Orleans is that the Mississippi built its own levees. What I know was there were a lot of women and children and old people in that building. Le-Ann Williams: We didn’t have any transportation. Some of his own family members were trapped in the floodwaters. And it will—and the New York Times headline will be ‘heck of a job, Brownie’ dies at the age of 92.”. Nagin was under a lot of pressure. And then, like almost every, I would say, like every person that experienced the trauma of the levee breaches, I changed. Archival (news clip): Here we are and here it is. Stretch models. Somebody that I never even met. Newkirk II: The city was still rebuilding. Rosenthal: I was 48 years old at that point. And I’ve never come in on such a fast landing, but they’re trained to land on ships in small spaces. They really had a shitty plan. I broke down crying. They did what they needed to do to help each other make it down the road. I just don’t understand it. Newkirk II: And then that detail would get warped and sensationalized. Like so many other Katrina kids, her life had been disrupted over and over again. They just shut it down. Newkirk II: Nagin was trying to rally people. Arrogance is what caused them to turn off the radio so that they didn’t hear the warnings about the ice. We were rendering first aid to people who were in need of medical attention. Because that’s what the mayor told them. It was just, it was eerie. A week where snipers were believed to be shooting helicopters. Like if you didn’t want to learn, you didn’t have to. In my head, having not slept, yes, we just learned about it. They shared blue and gold hotel sheets just waiting in the darkness for it all to pass. Finding buses. That’s chutzpah. Not going back to Texas ever. I did. But the ballroom didn’t have windows, so he went to take a look outside. Newkirk II: If they didn’t get it, was that a failure on your part? Archival (Robinette): What did you say to the president of the United States? Calls from victims of the flood, from evacuees looking for family members, even the occasional foreigner hoping for updates. You can’t communicate by phone. What I see here is, and I can’t help but see it as a confirmation of things that I have suspected to be true, right?

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